23 May 2012


Yudith, NOVI FEBRIYANTO (2005). Dalam Hubungan Antara  PT. Expand Berlian Mulia dengan Outlet-Outletnya  di Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Tesis Magister Manajemen UNDIP.


In this globalisation era the competition happened that increasingly tight delivered the company in seizing the consumer to make use of his product. The fast change in the business environment result in increasingly the strictness of the competition.The commitment to continue to  increase the service towards outlet this could be done directly by the producer through the distributor.The determination of
the channel the exact distribution was a  marketing strategy and the task of the management that was not easy, it was said to be not easy because of involving the structure of the distribution channel that was dynamic and was gotten by the trend to keep changing.Therefore the importance of the distribution was to be the competitive superiority that was difficult to be copied by the competitor so as this must be done by the company.The company must also pay attention to variables that could support the achievement of his marketing by involving  organisations of his channel, in this case outlet-outlet where this company sold his product.

The data that was utilised in this research was the primary data from the
respondent totalling 100 outlet-outlet that became the business partner of PT. Expand Berlian Mulia as the distributor of the Nutrisari product in the Central Javan area and Yogyakarta that were processed by making use of SEM (Structural Equation Modelling).

Results of the hypothetical test showed  that all the hypotheses that were put forward in this research  were accepted. Moreover was  found that selling-in PT. Expand Berlian Mulia was affected by the distributor's relations with outlet, the service strategy towards outlet, the capacity and the company's image of the marketing power. Moreover from this research also was successful proved that selling-in PT. Expand Berlian Mulia had the positive and significant influence on the achievement of the marketing of PT.  Expand Berlian Mulia. The manajerial
implication that related to good service strategy require to be conducted by company through routine and good visit system where this matter will very useful in the effort identifying requirement of customer. Besides ability of sales force can be improved by multiply discussion and also sharing  with overall top management and also business practitioner which have many is  experienced. As for profesionalitas of existing human being resources will form company image better. While quality of
relationship with distributor will take care of continuity of business relationship and also can peculiarly improve distribution of selling-in, because the quality of relations will increase the distribution selling-in where the increase in the distribution selling-in also will increase the achievement of the salesforce.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

untuk icha yang pesan artikel ini.