This study aims to analyze the influence of gross
domestic product, inflation, and the types of financing policy to non
performing financing ratio (NPF). The types of financing policy were
represented by the ratio of profit loss sharing financing return to total
financing return (RR), and the ratio of murabaha financing allocation to profit
loss sharing financing allocation (RF). Using multiple regression analysis this
study examined the influence of gross domestic product variable (GDP),
inflation variable (INF), the ratio of profit loss sharing financing return to
total financing return variable (RR), and the ratio of murabaha financing
allocation to profit loss sharing financing allocation variable (RF), against
the ratio of non performing financing (NPF) Islamic banks in Indonesia period
2005 to 2010-III.
The research results showed that the independent
variables simultaneously influenced to the ratio of non performing financing.
While GDP, Inflation, and RR partly was not significant impact on NPF ratio.
Only the ratio of murabaha financing allocation to profit loss sharing
financing allocation (RF) had impacts on NPF. The coefficient of determination
(Adjusted R2) was 13.7 percent, meaning 13.7 percent of NPF variation was
explained by independent variables, while the remaining 86.3 percent was
explained by other variables which not included in this study.
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