Studi Pada Nasabah BRI Cabang Pemalang.
Fieda Ellena (2011). Fakaultas Ekonomi UNDIP.
The research was motivated by the phenomenon of competition in the banking industry in order to gain customer loyalty.Sufficient quantity of banks, especially in this area Pemalang, create a branch of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Pemalang need to maintain and improve new strategies to retain customers to remain loyal even increase the number of customers. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Pemalang Branch should be able to satisfy existing customers and create new customers, if want to win the competition and become market leader in the banking industry, especially in the area Pemalang. Seen that in the last few years a branch of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Pemalang increase the number of customers. It required an effort to maintain and continuously improve the development of strategy and innovation. A banking company which is able to offer excellence through outstanding service, may ultimately affect the attitude to loyal customers at the banking company. In specifically, the study aims to determine the effect of variables of trust, commitment, communication, and handling of complaints against the loyalty of customers from branches of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Pemalang.
After review of the literature and formulation of hypotheses, data collected through questionnaire method on 100 customers of Bank Rakyat Indonesia respondents obtained by using accidental sampling technique. Then conducted an analysis of data obtained using multiple regression analysis techniques. This analysis includes: validity and reliability, the classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing via t test and F test, and analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2). Based on the analysis of the obtained regression equation: Y = 0,216 X1 + 0,249 X2 + 0,270 X3 + 0,239 X4
Where the customer loyalty variables (Y), trust (X1), commitment (X2), communication (X3), and the handling of complaints (X4). Hypothesis testing using t tests showed that four independent variables studied variable is trust, commitment, communication, and handling complaints proved to have a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty is the dependent variable. Then through the F test can be seen that the four independent variables is feasible to test the dependent variable customer loyalty. Figures adjusted R Square of 0.547 indicates that 54.7 percent of variable customer loyalty can be explained by four independent variables in the regression equation. While the remaining 45.3 percent is explained by other variables outside of the four variables used in this study.
Key words : customer loyalty, trust, commitment,
communication, conflict handling
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