DEWI, Dhika Rahma and PRASETIONO, Prasetiono (2011) Undergraduate Skripsi, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Diponegoro.
as intermediary financial institution in conducting its business
activities are classified into two categories, namely conventional banks
and banks with Islamic principles. The importance of the function and
role of Islamic banking in Indonesia, the Islamic banks need to improve
its performance in order to create banking with sharia principles of
healthy and efficient. Profitability as a reference in measuring the
profit to be so important to know whether the company has run its
business efficiently. Based on this we can formulate a problem is how
the influence of CAR to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, how the
influence of FDR to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, how the influence of
NPF to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, how the influence of OER to ROA
Islamic Banks in Indonesia. The main purpose from this research is to
analyze the influence of CAR to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, analyze
the influence of FDR to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, analyze the
influence of NPF to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, and analyze the
influence of OER to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia.
The total population in this research are listed Islamic banks at Bank
Indonesia in 2005-2008, samples of which can be used as many as three
commercial banks sharia. Sampel research with purposive sampling, is
method in which sample selection on the known characteristics of the
population. We then performed an analysis of data obtained. Analysis of
data used in this research is the classical assumption test, multiple
regression analysis, and hypotheses test. For the analyze data using
SPSS software.
Results of hypotheses test, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has not
significant influence to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Financing to
Deposit Ratio (FDR) has not significant influence to ROA Islamic Banks
in Indonesia, non-performing financing (NPF) has negative influence and
significant to ROA Islamic Banks in Indonesia, and Operational
Efficiency Ratio (OER) has negatif influence and significant to ROA
Islamic Banks in Indonesia
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