Studi Kasus pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat di Propinsi Jawa Tengah
Chandra Dewi (2009). Tesis Magister Manajemen UNDIP
The Non Performing Loan of Consumer Loan Banks in Central Java is higher than the NPL of other Consumer Loan Banks in Indonesia, where the NPL reaches 10 % in 2007 and it puts at the top of the rank of banks with the highest NPL among other banks in Indonesian Provinces. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the factors affecting the NPL of those Consumer Loan Banks in Central Java, especially from the Loan Facility Strategy point of view.
Chandra Dewi (2009). Tesis Magister Manajemen UNDIP
The Non Performing Loan of Consumer Loan Banks in Central Java is higher than the NPL of other Consumer Loan Banks in Indonesia, where the NPL reaches 10 % in 2007 and it puts at the top of the rank of banks with the highest NPL among other banks in Indonesian Provinces. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the factors affecting the NPL of those Consumer Loan Banks in Central Java, especially from the Loan Facility Strategy point of view.
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